Understanding the relationship between spouse and partner
The title is too fat an achievement for this article. To assume that one has fully understood the dynamics of the marital relationship between a man and a woman is disastrous. But having spent most of my professional life counseling men and women, most of whom are married couples, I took up this topic to share a little of what I've learned over the years.
Let me explain first - men and women don't think the same. They don't process information the same way. Women and men definitely don't react the same way to accidents. With that aside, I'd like to make this recommendation: Amazon, Christian Booksellers, and others sell a book called "Men Like Waffles and Women Like Spaghetti" by Pam and Bill Farrell. A booklet is worth a gold for understanding the differences and how to react to your partner.
Please do yourself a favor and take this book and read it a few times. Both of you will get some valuable things from the book. If you guys think you understand the pearls of wisdom this little book shares, then leave and tell no one. Then after a while, come back and start reading again.
Frankly, this booklet will help you understand the opposites that exponentially distort the dynamics of coexistence beyond the stratosphere. As appreciation begins to embrace both of you, a new dawn opens up dimensions of joy, peace, and contentment that you never imagined before.
When God presents man and woman as man and woman, it is a conundrum that is too often taken for granted. Yes, it is possible for each of you to understand the thought processes and emotions of others. To do this, it is necessary to reach a level of intellectual and emotional maturity that makes some couples very happy.
Physical differences are easy to see. But emotional and intellectual differences that cannot be detected by physical cognition. The dynamics of this polar difference trips us up. We expand our boundaries with our desire, pursuit, and determination to reach understanding. However, this understanding and gratitude will only come after conscious effort and a lot of trial and error.
If every man and woman were equal, our life would be a robot's life. Therefore, differences give us the taste and grandeur of life. This complexity has never been more evident than a couple who have reached a higher level of understanding with each other. Your love is open and clear. Your affection seems to eat up all. But together they attract most of us because of the aura around them like a magnetic person. Even without understanding it, we value the experience and love to be around you.
How do you get there? The simple answer is one at a time. But the secret, if indeed a secret, is that each day is filled with love and mutual respect, which leads each of them to explore new depths of understanding. The element of unity cannot be learned, it can only be experienced.
Women often raise their voices, shed tears, and use angry words to humble their minds. It is this verbal "ventilation" expulsion that relieves you of the stress of everything inside, causing discomfort and pain. Men often don't recognize the beauty of this cleansing edition. You'll see other women insist on letting go, knowing that shooting is the best solution. Men who try to memorize words and use them to fix imaginary problems they feel through heat exchange are wrong!
Guys please listen to me. If your cute wife turns purple from obvious anger, she shouldn't be hearing from you about what you think is the solution. Instead, invite them to tell you more and listen with their head and heart. After a few times you will get an idea of when it deflates and thus releases the pressure. Don't get me wrong, the gist of what he says is important to be heard and taken seriously to help you in your cultivation.
Men, avoid telling women what to do. You will live longer and enjoy more rest days. The old sage said best, "A happy woman is a happy life."
In other words, think about what he needs and do your best to create an atmosphere where he can make it happen. If you mix, you will go crazy. Don't let the mess rot. If you find (or have shown) that you made a mistake, admit it immediately. Teach him the right mindset to give him what he needs when he really needs it. Yes, there are times when your wife just has to keep quiet about you. Yes, there are times when your wife doesn't need to touch it. Are you starting to get the photos? OKAY. Keep learning.