Indian politicians have so far been following and following the planetary schedule, but they have angered the nation about what is happening in democracy. After Mars' setback, we saw a lot of political google and a prominent verbal battle between Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh versus Narendra Modi. Democracy is the harshest form of government, with the media ripping up unconfirmed stories with stories on Indian television telling gibberish about their bullshit every day.
We don't have journalism giants as editors in print. Special correspondents came out with their partisan stories and planted. This nation is on the brink.
Sardar Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, tends to be very disillusioned with the UPA government ally he leads in provoking the crisis. MPs want to avoid a vote that would disturb their comfort and sleep. Of course, the BJP joked and said, "Manmohan takes the lead and the madam decides." What will Madan decide now?
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Sardar wants to continue the nuclear deal at all costs. The United States wants India to shut it down and is aggressively trying to convince the Indian government to take the risk ... which could mean facing the mid-term polls.
The CPI(M) and its hard-working karate give karate a verbal blow, urging the government to close the deal in December or take a mid-term poll. This, of course, is the Mars retrograde in Mithuna directing CPM (Chinese) operations.
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China is giving India trouble at the border and with Saturn in Simha there are too many uncomfortable plans against India with poor preparation for the protection of India's borders. And that Saturn is preparing to retreat on December 19th. Then the two planets will retreat. Outwardly, China on the China-India border and internally China's permanent agent in the form of CPI (M) is a new threat, one military and one political.
Wanting to become another great Ashoka without fighting in the Battle of Kalinga, Jawaharlal Nehru made a literal blunder in the Himalayas between 1954 and 1962 when the Chinese tore his Panchasheel to dust and humiliated him. He died a poor man crippled after being humiliated by the Indo-Chinese War in October 1962. But he never had the grace to step back and retire.
The moon in Kumbha with Rahu, seen from Saturn in the tenth house of the Indian Independence Horoscope, and Jupiter and the sun on Danu, seen from Mars in the eighth house on December 16, do not indicate the stability of the UPA government.