Every year I get a cue for that year. Last year was "what's right". During the election, many people said to me, "I don't know what to believe." People are trying to figure out which parts of the rhetoric are right and which are wrong. This year we want to know who is in charge. Is it the government, the people, the corporations? Who really should be responsible?
We start the year with Jupiter in conjunction with Uranus in Pisces. This is the last of this relationship. I believe this has given us a better sense of the unexpected combined with the unknown. You feel like you have to take shelter from the storm, but when you reach the shelter, the storm blows. People find it hard to believe that things are actually getting any better. I think this relationship will also exacerbate global water problems, like in China. When this aspect disappears, we will move Neptune to Pisces. Interestingly, Mercury goes to 19 degrees Sagittarius right at the start of the new year and will end the year at 19 degrees Sagittarius. I wish we would talk about education throughout the year. How to change it, how much it costs, what students actually learn, and so on. Some innovative programs could be introduced and I hope the science and math efforts continue. New teaching methods can be used for our students. I've just heard that some schools are now allowing their students to type their essays and use a spell checker. The theory is why you're wasting student time spelling when spelling can be used. We need to see more changes in the publishing industry and I hope people start thinking about travel again. We heard a lot about schools and religious education. We also have a square Saturn on Mars, and on the Americas map, Saturn transits are associated with our progressive Mars. These are the aspects that fuel public anger towards the economy and government spending. We are angry about everything, but we don't want change to limit us. You have changed, not me. This can apply to relationships, especially with Saturn in Libra.
I think we could call this the start of the year when everyone was ADD. (Attention Deficit Disorder) when Uranus moved to Aries on March 11 to stay for the next seven years. If a shooter lands on innocent people, the chances of continued violence will increase. Aries' fire and anger, which are naturally impulsive, are amplified by the sudden and unexpected appearance of Uranus. Jupiter switches from Pisces to Aries on January 22 and to Taurus on June 4. Jupiter will square Pluto from 2-20 to 3-2, then from 5-14 to 28 Jupiter transits will square Pluto Christmas America. One way to do this is to debate the freedom of owning a gun against the realities of shooting on the news. Pluto's transit opposes Jupiter's Christmas during the same period. Tough questions need to be asked. Are people allowed to carry guns in public? Many people are surprised to learn how many people legally pocket hidden weapons. I believe this is the beginning of a change when we start to see big business with guns. Pluto in Capricorn. Individual freedom to public safety will continue to be discussed. From the 2nd to the 20th to 3.31st. there are several aspects of Jupiter, both hard and soft. I believe this is the time when the stock market can slide and show financial problems. Jupiter's transit will make American Venus a square.
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One of the most important events of the year is the transfer of Neptune to Pisces, where it will last until March 2025. During this time we will deal with all water-related issues. We will talk about water quality and water availability. At the same time we will experience many worldly events related to too much water. Look for major hurricanes, major floods, possibly another major tsunami, and ocean troubles. We can expect new discoveries around music and changes in the music industry earlier this year. Mental illness is also discussed. Once again the debate about private liberties versus public safety. We hope for better funding and care for people with mental illness. When the planet changes sign, we usually tend to do the worst before we get a fix. So this could be a year where we "talk" about problems without finding solutions. I was expecting the first dialogue about drugs. It will take all forms from illegal drugs to prescription drugs. I assume that the legalization of marijuana will continue to be a hot topic and can be legalized. Neptune dissolves what it finds and we get a double "hit" in Pisces. Since it covers the whole world, please find out more about drugs in the news. The technology surrounding the film industry will continue to evolve. We might be able to "escape" to an alternate reality without using drugs instead of using technology to create "real" experiences. Like Star Trek jelly. Look for the secrets of the sea to be revealed. More people will start to "open up" mentally and talk more openly about their intuitive experiences. Angels and spiritual guides are talked about in the media. Creativity will head off the charts and expect beautiful music and art during this transit. When Neptune first enters Pisces on April 4th, Mars will also migrate to Aries to connect with Uranus. Mars will also square the American Venus and then Jupiter. This could be a period of heavy rain affecting the United States. At this point, there may be problems with the stock market and/or a lot of discussion about deficits. For Uranus, this could be an explosion, like a mine disaster or a volcanic eruption. This can also happen under the sea.
Pluto in Capricorn - With Pluto moving from 5 to 7 degrees on Pluto this year, we can expect to learn more about the abuse of business and government. I will also involve all major organizations including the NRA. People will want to know how these groups influence our laws. There is the threat of military spending, which must be weighed carefully, and layoffs. All levels of management will tighten their belts. I believe that this year there will be stronger control of the big banks. Greater commitment to how much government money big companies receive. The focus on the business and well-being of the company will be enormous in the years to come. News of human trafficking or sex will continue to be published. Next year, Pluto will face the American sets Venus and Jupiter. This has happened in recent years. In December Pluto abandoned this aspect. While we should have seen some improvements this year over the last few years, the things we value will continue to be highlighted. Expect money to stay tight and don't want to be spent lavishly. Discussions about deficits continue, although I'm not sure much progress will be made in 2011. I continue to feel that we haven't had a major discussion about who and all of us are rich. This happened during the last election and just before the tax cut extended to the wealthiest, but I think we'll get to more on taxes when Jupiter turns to Taurus. All aspects of our government, big business, alliances, big organizations, medicine and nation will be reconsidered as Pluto enters Capricorn more and more.
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Around August 1 we will see an increase in employment. Saturn will cut the average sky on the map of America. Governments can work with businesses to start rolling out new job creation programs. I believe the focus is on job creation.
Saturn is still in Libra, and I look forward to hearing more about marriage, divorce, and helping people with problems. Homosexual marriage could become a reality in this transit. Continuous growth in social networking groups. Gender equality must remain a hot topic.
I didn't expect this year to be great, but it will be better than the last few years. With Uranus in Aries, I expect something to be done to "oversaturate" the house. Maybe they just started knocking out some that were already disarmed. Land restored for other uses. Also, look for other electrical problems. I feel that "cyber warfare" will make a lot of news in the years to come. We will see that the internet is used as another weapon in the arsenal, for example when hackers download MC/Visa due to Wikileaks issues. Eventually the government will have entire departments of cyber warfare and cyber crime. I believe it is organized and funded to counter all threats. With Jupiter in Taurus on June 4th, we will see money start to flow more easily, which will help the housing market, job creation, and corporate credit.
Barack Obama. - This was the year people believed that the president was indeed a "grown-up couple" and accepted his criticism. He has a Saturn crossing Mars and his progressive Mars in relation to his natal and progressive Saturn. He will feel he has had enough and can confront not only Republicans but also Democrats who don't see things like that. I hope he moves forward on his own agenda this year and gets things done. He will continue to be public, make speeches and use every opportunity to reach people directly. I have a feeling that he will reevaluate, whose advice he also listens to, and that he will become more independent in his thoughts and actions when Uranus and Jupiter tilt Mercury and Jupiter as their home suns. His advancing moon will cross his reign this summer, another indication of his forthcoming clarity of thought and action. Neptune's transit will create a trine to Mercury so that it can find creative ways to address the nation's deficits and problems. Transit Mars moves back and forth from the 12th house to the 11th and 10th houses. He will push for programs that affect the greatest number of people, which is good for most, not just a few. Again, focus on job creation. This year won't be as bad as 2010.