Free astrology has influenced the lives of many and continues to play a role. We can never determine how much influence free astrology has on people's daily activities. Ever since the earth began to spin and people walked the earth, people have turned to the stars for answers. Perhaps this is denied by the fact that whenever something good happens to us, we look to heaven and thank God, and when the right thing happens, we also look to heaven and ask God why. Some people claim that interpreting signs in heaven helped them change their lives, and these people thank Heaven for that. Astrology is practiced by almost all races, Indian, American, Asian, Eastern European, etc.
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Astrology is based on the central belief that the position of the celestial bodies relative to each other can reveal relevant information about the person, his deeds and other issues related to that person. A person who practices astrology is called an astrologer. They claim that the movement of the sun, the beginning and the moon have a good relationship with our daily life, so they interpret and publish it as a horoscope.
The origin of astrology
In addition, the motion of these celestial bodies not only predicts the future, but also tells of past events. And free astrology is usually associated with superstition. In fact, the belief in astrology described by the National Science Foundation must be a pseudoscientific belief. And before that only a small line between astronomy and astrology. However, over the years, astronomy has drifted away and is known as the scientific empirical study of celestial bodies and has absolutely nothing to do with astrology.
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"When I look up, I look down." This is how Tycho Brahe summarized his research in astrology. At one point, astrologers were even confused about the relationship between the stars and events on earth. Some astrologers claim that celestial bodies cause events and that they are not harbingers of what is to come. Free astrology, when used in predictions, has two main methods. Astrological transits refer to the interpretation of celestial bodies as they move, whereas in astrological trajectories, predictions are based on certain methods.