Western or European astrology originated in Babylon around 200 BC. The earliest phase of astrology in Europe from 1200 to 1700 is known as traditional astrology. The period 1200 to 1500 is known as Medieval Astrology and the period 1500 to 1700 is known as Renaissance Astrology.
In the 2000s, from Greece to the Renaissance, astrology showed great continuity and flourished until it finally fell out of fashion in the late 17th and 18th centuries due to newly discovered philosophies and new materialism.
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Traditional astrology's focus was on the outer planets, not psychology, a science that didn't emerge until the late 20th century. Traditional astrology is able to make accurate and precise predictions about upcoming events using various techniques learned and passed down through careful observation of the sky and planets.
Planets equated with gods and celestial events have been observed as omens, with most cultures observing the sky as signs and omissions, but Babylonian religion was based on the astral. Traditional astrology differs from modern astrology, in that, in its newest form, character analysis and psychological insights are more important than predicting future events.
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Around 1900 interest in the esoteric sciences began to return and astrology began to be studied again. Although modern astrology is considered to be very well at the heart of character analysis, traditional astrology cannot predict precisely. Sun sign astrology written in the media has also given astrology a bad reputation because people don't believe that one twelfth of a column can equal hundreds of people in any given period of time.
Therefore, astrology is seen as a skeptical science as most people treat it as entertainment and fail to realize that an actual natal chart can be a valuable tool not only for predicting upcoming events but also for determining random times. Most people, even when exposed, can still doubt the true accuracy of astrology. However, most people who read the charts in person will be amazed by their accuracy.
Modern astrology gives a good picture of one's psyche, especially when one needs counseling or private therapy for oneself or a loved one after a personal tragedy. However, most people are only interested from afar to know the development of their personal psychological state?
Traditional astrology is divided into four main types, first-born astrology, which studies and predicts events based on real birth charts. Then there is hourly astrology, which looks at the horoscope at a certain point in time and asks certain questions.
Next up is Elective Astrology, which astrologically checks the best times and dates on certain subjects. Finally, secular astrology uses various techniques to predict events across a country or over long periods of time, including weather forecasts.
John Frowley's talk of traditional astrology states that tradition is not about strictly following the strict old rules, but rather understanding and preserving the spirit of action and adapting it to modern astrology. William Lily tried various "modern" techniques which, due to his strict (Saturn) thinking, led him to the right results. What an impressive endorsement of the traditional approach in our complex modern world.